Installing Rerun

Installing the SDK installing-the-sdk

C++ c

If you're using CMake you can add the SDK to your project using FetchContent:

FetchContent_Declare(rerun_sdk URL

For more details see Build & Distribution in the C++ reference documentation. You'll additionally need to install the Viewer, see below

Python python

  • pip install rerun-sdk via pip
  • conda install -c conda-forge rerun-sdk via Conda

Either way this includes both the SDK & the Viewer and you're ready to go!

Rust rust

Add the Rerun crate using cargo add rerun. You'll additionally need to install the Viewer, see below.

Installing the Viewer installing-the-viewer

The Viewer can be installed independent of the library language you're using. Make sure that your library version matches the version of the Viewer you're using, because our data format is not yet stable across different versions.

There are many ways to install the viewer. Please pick whatever works best for your setup:

  • Download rerun-cli for your platform from the GitHub Release artifacts.
  • Via Cargo
    • cargo binstall rerun-cli - download binaries via cargo binstall
    • cargo install rerun-cli --locked - build it from source (this requires Rust 1.84+)
  • Via Snap (community maintained)
    • snap install rerun - download the viewer from the Store.
  • Together with the Rerun Python SDK:
    • pip3 install rerun-sdk - download it via pip
    • conda install -c conda-forge rerun-sdk - download via Conda
    • pixi global install rerun-sdk - download it via Pixi

In any case you should be able to run rerun afterwards to start the Viewer. You'll be welcomed by an overview page that allows you to jump into some examples. If you're facing any difficulties, don't hesitate to open an issue or join the Discord server.

The Rerun Viewer has built-in support for opening many kinds of files, and can be extended to open any other file type without needing to modify the Rerun codebase itself.

Next steps next-steps

To start getting your own data streamed to the viewer, check one of the respective getting started guides: